Common Types of Client Side Errors

In this article, we are going to write a short detail about some common client side errors. Here we added a very short detail and a few errors.

Common Types of Client Side Errors

  1. 400 Bad Request Error
  2. 401 Unauthorized Error
  3. 404 Not found Error
  4. 403 Permisions Error

1. 400 Bad Request Error:

This error indicates that the user’s request contains incorrect syntax.
How to Fix 400 Bad Request Errors:

a. Check the Submitted URL
b. Clear Browser Cache
c. Clear Browser Cookies
d. File Upload Exceeds Server Limit
e. Clear DNS Cache
f. Deactivate Browser Extensions

2. 401 Unauthorized Error:

This error indicates that the requested file requires authentication (a username and password). Only authorized persons can access otherwise occur this Error.

3. 404 Not Found:

This error indicates that the page you were trying to reach on a website couldn’t be found on their server.
How to Fix 400 Bad Request Errors:
a. Reload the page
b. Check the URL
c. check the directory levels or root
d. Delete the browser cache and cookies
e. Contact the website

4. 403 Forbidden

This error indicates that the server will not allow the visitor to access the requested file. If a visitor receives this code unexpectedly, you should check the file’s permission settings, or check whether the file has been protected.

403 error

Here you can read How to log in to the Rainloop admin dashboard?

Read More: How to Change Upload limit On CyberPanel?

How to Change Upload limit On CyberPanel?

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