How to uninstall ImunifyAV from your server?

ImunifyAV is not suitable for every server and maybe sometimes you need to uninstall ImunifyAV from your server to work properly.

In this short article, I will try to explain how to uninstall ImunifyAV from your server using few commands. So follow the process along with me to remove imunifyAV from your server.

Step 1:

Access the SSH client as root of your server using credentials to your server. Like bitwise or Putty,

How to uninstall ImunifyAV from your server?

Step 2:

Stop the imunifyAV services using the command given below.

systemctl stop imunify-antivirus

Step 3:

Now download the imunifyAV script to uninstall the imunifyAV from your server. To download that scrip use the command.


Step 4:

Now run the uninstall script and remove the ImunifyAv from your server. use the command given below.

bash --uninstall

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