What is User Experience (UX), and why is it important for your site?

According to the definition, User Experience (UX) represents all aspects related to user interaction with all parts of your website, including the business itself and its services and products. Any element of your business that ends up interacting directly with a client or potential client is an element that is also part of the user experience.

In short, UX must meet the user’s requirements and needs. So, for example, if it is in an online store, and the first page does not contain any products, and the “shop” button is not visible anywhere, then the User Experience score of the website is practically on the ground.

💡 It should be noted that User Experience can be found in any domain, not only the online one. This concept essentially represents the way the user interacts (and should interact) with your company, products, and services.

When it comes to the online environment, namely at the level of a website, the user experience takes into account the following:

The story of your brand – rendered through the content present on the website and improved by its appearance (part of the UI);

How interaction with your brand is guaranteed – are posts, blogs, videos, buttons, interactive games, and so on. There are many ways in which use can interact with your brand, implicitly by which these ways should be included in the UX;

The objectives of your brand (or website) – in the development of the User Experience part, your brand’s objectives are also taken into account. If you want to sell more, for example, then the first page of your website will contain the products sold by you;

Ease of use of the platform related to your brand – namely, how easy it is for the user to complete an order or return to a certain page or product. How easy to use is your business website overall?

💡, Unlike User Interface, which manages how a product or brand is “placed on the page,” as they say, User Experience manages how the brand or product “feels” from the point of view of the user.

User experience – why is it important for your business website?

There are several reasons why user experience is important for your business website. However, it is enough to mention only three of them in the given context. From our point of view, these three aspects are (or should be) enough to convince you that it is necessary to invest in User Experience from the beginning of your journey:

Improve the conversion rate of your business – the ease of use of a platform favors the realization of actions by users. Obviously, for most sites, these actions represent a conversion – profit for your business. You don’t have to see User Experience as a way to increase profit – it’s enough to focus on the level of satisfaction resulting from browsing the website and interacting with your brand;

It improves users’ efficiency so they reach their goals faster – the user has to dance from the start page to the page related to completing an order (or completing a goal). Ideally, the end user should interact with your platform in an intuitive way – they should waste ZERO time learning how to use it;

Improve your brand reputation – have you ever returned to an online store with a slightly higher price just because you were used to it and the process of completing the objectives was clear? If so, then the respective store’s brand had the same reputation among all its customers. In the online environment, the lowest price can become irrelevant if you offer a high-quality User Experience (UX). As they say, quality interaction costs money, and some users are willing to pay a few extra lei for it.

What do you say? Are these three aspects enough to invest in User Experience made at a professional level right now?

User Experience (UX) in eCommerce – details make the difference!

What do you think of a 0.5% increase in conversion rate? Depending on the volume of sales you enjoy in the online field, this percentage can mean almost zero for you. However, when it is added to a website created as per the book, SEO optimization (among others) of superior quality and along with an impeccable User Experience, the percentage turns into a not negligible amount! Thus, if you have a conversion rate of 1.5%, which translates into an amount of 450,000 lei in total sales, an increase of up to 2% in the conversion rate will mean total sales of 600,000. Yes, the impact is major!

The best example is the influence of User Experience in eCommerce; the latter industry is the most popular today (at the same time, according to us, the most interesting, especially when you have the opportunity to work and experiment inside it).

Thus, we take a piece of an eCommerce website with a conversion rate of 1.5% (remember that the conversion rate is considered optimal between 2% and 5%) and apply User Experience principles to it. The latter has a 0.5% increase in the conversion rate as their main effect. So what does this thing mean?

Well, after a little magic in mathematics, it turns out that the percentage of 0.5% increases the revenues of that eCommerce store by 33%. Now imagine what can happen if you apply several principles of digital marketing?!

💡 An increase of 1% means 66% more income, 2% – 132%, and reaching an ideal conversion rate of 5% means more than 200% more income (compared to the initial moment). It can be said, without a doubt, that the details really make the difference when it comes to User Experience!

Why do a UX analysis for your website right now?

You should do a UX analysis on your website because there is quite a high chance that you will say step to extra income. As a business owner, this is unacceptable!


When it comes to improving your website’s user experience it is important to focus on what your users want to see and how you can offer them the best solution to their problems or needs. So focus on mobile users first and also on engaging content that will keep your users interested.

We have an other article on this as well check here. For old version CyberPanel official guide is here.

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