How to add your SSH key in CyberPanel?

In some cases, you need to change the SSH port and create and use an SSH key. Securing SSH is one of the most important tasks of a system administrator. CyberPanel allows you to change SSH ports, disable root login, and save your SSH keys. In his article, we learn about how to add your SSH key to the server using CyberPanel

Step 1: Login to the CyberPanel dashboard

Step 2: On the left side menu scroll down Click on the Security

Step 3: Go to the Security->Secure SSH

Now this page will be open. Here you can see the SSH port,permit root login

Step 4: Click on the SSh keys-> Add key

Step 5: After Clicking on the Add key you can paste your key and Click on save

Step 6: You can delete your key By clicking on the ‘X’ button Listed here

Step 7: You can also change your port and enable or disable the permit root login after changing these Click on Save changes

You can follow us on Facebook too.

We have an other article on this as well check here. For old version CyberPanel official guide is here.

What is User Experience (UX), and why is it important for your site?

According to the definition, User Experience (UX) represents all aspects related to user interaction with all parts of your website, including the business itself and its services and products. Any element of your business that ends up interacting directly with a client or potential client is an element that is also part of the user experience.

In short, UX must meet the user’s requirements and needs. So, for example, if it is in an online store, and the first page does not contain any products, and the “shop” button is not visible anywhere, then the User Experience score of the website is practically on the ground.

💡 It should be noted that User Experience can be found in any domain, not only the online one. This concept essentially represents the way the user interacts (and should interact) with your company, products, and services.

When it comes to the online environment, namely at the level of a website, the user experience takes into account the following:

The story of your brand – rendered through the content present on the website and improved by its appearance (part of the UI);

How interaction with your brand is guaranteed – are posts, blogs, videos, buttons, interactive games, and so on. There are many ways in which use can interact with your brand, implicitly by which these ways should be included in the UX;

The objectives of your brand (or website) – in the development of the User Experience part, your brand’s objectives are also taken into account. If you want to sell more, for example, then the first page of your website will contain the products sold by you;

Ease of use of the platform related to your brand – namely, how easy it is for the user to complete an order or return to a certain page or product. How easy to use is your business website overall?

💡, Unlike User Interface, which manages how a product or brand is “placed on the page,” as they say, User Experience manages how the brand or product “feels” from the point of view of the user.

User experience – why is it important for your business website?

There are several reasons why user experience is important for your business website. However, it is enough to mention only three of them in the given context. From our point of view, these three aspects are (or should be) enough to convince you that it is necessary to invest in User Experience from the beginning of your journey:

Improve the conversion rate of your business – the ease of use of a platform favors the realization of actions by users. Obviously, for most sites, these actions represent a conversion – profit for your business. You don’t have to see User Experience as a way to increase profit – it’s enough to focus on the level of satisfaction resulting from browsing the website and interacting with your brand;

It improves users’ efficiency so they reach their goals faster – the user has to dance from the start page to the page related to completing an order (or completing a goal). Ideally, the end user should interact with your platform in an intuitive way – they should waste ZERO time learning how to use it;

Improve your brand reputation – have you ever returned to an online store with a slightly higher price just because you were used to it and the process of completing the objectives was clear? If so, then the respective store’s brand had the same reputation among all its customers. In the online environment, the lowest price can become irrelevant if you offer a high-quality User Experience (UX). As they say, quality interaction costs money, and some users are willing to pay a few extra lei for it.

What do you say? Are these three aspects enough to invest in User Experience made at a professional level right now?

User Experience (UX) in eCommerce – details make the difference!

What do you think of a 0.5% increase in conversion rate? Depending on the volume of sales you enjoy in the online field, this percentage can mean almost zero for you. However, when it is added to a website created as per the book, SEO optimization (among others) of superior quality and along with an impeccable User Experience, the percentage turns into a not negligible amount! Thus, if you have a conversion rate of 1.5%, which translates into an amount of 450,000 lei in total sales, an increase of up to 2% in the conversion rate will mean total sales of 600,000. Yes, the impact is major!

The best example is the influence of User Experience in eCommerce; the latter industry is the most popular today (at the same time, according to us, the most interesting, especially when you have the opportunity to work and experiment inside it).

Thus, we take a piece of an eCommerce website with a conversion rate of 1.5% (remember that the conversion rate is considered optimal between 2% and 5%) and apply User Experience principles to it. The latter has a 0.5% increase in the conversion rate as their main effect. So what does this thing mean?

Well, after a little magic in mathematics, it turns out that the percentage of 0.5% increases the revenues of that eCommerce store by 33%. Now imagine what can happen if you apply several principles of digital marketing?!

💡 An increase of 1% means 66% more income, 2% – 132%, and reaching an ideal conversion rate of 5% means more than 200% more income (compared to the initial moment). It can be said, without a doubt, that the details really make the difference when it comes to User Experience!

Why do a UX analysis for your website right now?

You should do a UX analysis on your website because there is quite a high chance that you will say step to extra income. As a business owner, this is unacceptable!


When it comes to improving your website’s user experience it is important to focus on what your users want to see and how you can offer them the best solution to their problems or needs. So focus on mobile users first and also on engaging content that will keep your users interested.

We have an other article on this as well check here. For old version CyberPanel official guide is here.

You can follow us on Facebook too.

How to add Simple Google Docs Viewer in WordPress?

There are a few different WordPress plugins that you can use to embed Google Docs on your WordPress site. One popular option is the Simple Google Docs Viewer plugin, which allows you to embed a variety of Google Docs, including documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, using a simple shortcode.

wordpress google docs viewer plugin

How to install and use the WordPress google docs viewer plugin?

To use the Simple Google Docs Viewer, you will need to install and activate it on your WordPress site.

To add the Simple Google Docs Viewer plugin to WordPress, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the “Plugins” menu in your WordPress dashboard and click “Add New
  1. In the search field, type “Simple Google Docs Viewer” and press Enter
  1. Find the Simple Google Docs Viewer plugin in the search results and click the “Install Now” button
  1. After the plugin has finished installing, click the “Activate” button
  2. The Simple Google Docs Viewer plugin is now installed and activated on your WordPress site

To use the plugin, you will need to get the URL of the Google Doc that you want to embed on your WordPress site. Then, you can use the following shortcode to embed the doc:

[gview file="YOUR_DOC_URL"]

Replace “YOUR_DOC_URL” with the URL of the Google Doc that you want to embed.

For example, if the URL of your Google Doc is ““, then you would use the following shortcode to embed it on your WordPress site:

[gview file=""]

That’s it! The Google Doc should now be embedded on your WordPress site.

There are also other WordPress plugins that you can use to embed Google Docs, such as the Google Doc Embedder plugin and the WP Google Docs plugin. You may want to compare the features and user reviews of these different plugins to see which one is the best fit for your needs.

Read more: How to Choose a hosting provider smartly?

Here you can read How to log in to the Rainloop admin dashboard?

Read More: How to Change Upload limit On CyberPanel?

How to Change Upload limit On CyberPanel?

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How to Integrate Google AdMob to your React Native Application?

Do you want to integrate your AdMob to React Native Application?

If you want to earn from your React Native Applications you need to integrate AdMob with your React Native Application. So Google AdMobs helps you to earn from your applications.

Mostly React Native Packages are installed using a single command. In this article, i will tell you the simplest way to install, Integrate, and use AdMob in your react native application.

Create AdMob Account:

First of all you must have a AdMob account. Go to this Article and check how you can create Admob account. The process of creating Admob account is very straight and simple. In this Article All steps are mentioned and described briefly.

How to Install React Native AdMob:

For the integration of Admob with react native first of all we have to Install React native AdMob in your project its is very easy to do so here we discuss the steps :

There are different packages to integrate Admob with your React Native Project but here I discuss that one which I personally use and I think have easy integration than Others.

React-native-admob is bossily a react-native module for Google AdMob Banners, Interstitials, and Rewarded Videos, and also DFP Banners. To install this module Run the command stated below.

npm i @talaikis/react-native-admob

In older versions of React native, you need to configure this module manually but now This fork is a working version for RN 0.60+. Don’t link this package, auto-linking works fine. No need to do extra linking at all.

Open your already created application and install this module using the line stated above.

Open your already created application and install this module using the line stated above.

Once installation process is done. Nothing to do other than this.

React native AdMob Types:

React native AdMob Allows four types of Ads units for its user:

  • AdMobBanner,
  • AdMobInterstitial,
  • PublisherBanner,
  • AdMobRewarded,


AdMobBanner is the Banner Add for your Application you can add it as sticky location on at any place on any page of your applicatio.

To read more about this click here.


import {
 } from 'react-native-admob'

// Display a banner
  onAdFailedToLoad={error => console.error(error)}


This type of React-native AdMob has imperative API. You can use this at any function call.

To ready more Click Here.


import {
} from '@talaikis/react-native-admob';

  componentDidMount() {

  AdMobInterstitial.addEventListener('adLoaded', () =>
    console.log('AdMobInterstitial adLoaded'),
  AdMobInterstitial.addEventListener('adFailedToLoad', error =>
  AdMobInterstitial.addEventListener('adOpened', () =>
    console.log('AdMobInterstitial => adOpened'),
  AdMobInterstitial.addEventListener('adClosed', () => {
    console.log('AdMobInterstitial => adClosed');
    AdMobInterstitial.requestAd().catch(error => console.warn(error));
  AdMobInterstitial.addEventListener('adLeftApplication', () =>
    console.log('AdMobInterstitial => adLeftApplication'),

  AdMobInterstitial.requestAd().catch(error => console.warn(error));

componentWillUnmount() {

showInterstitial() {
  AdMobInterstitial.showAd().catch(error => console.warn(error));

  componentWillUnmount() {


This is just Like AdMobBanner with the addition of 2 extra properties:

Click here for more details:


import {
  } from 'react-native-admob'
  onAdFailedToLoad={error => console.error(error)}
  onAppEvent={event => console.log(,}


In comparison to the AdMobBanner and PublisherBanner which have a declaritive API, the AdMobRewarded has an imperative API, just like the AdMobInterstitial.

Click Here to read more:


import {
  } from 'react-native-admob';

componentDidMount() {
  AdMobRewarded.setAdUnitID('your ad unit');

  AdMobRewarded.addEventListener('rewarded', reward =>
    console.log('AdMobRewarded => rewarded', reward),
  AdMobRewarded.addEventListener('adLoaded', () =>
    console.log('AdMobRewarded => adLoaded'),
  AdMobRewarded.addEventListener('adFailedToLoad', error =>
  AdMobRewarded.addEventListener('adOpened', () =>
    console.log('AdMobRewarded => adOpened'),
  AdMobRewarded.addEventListener('videoStarted', () =>
    console.log('AdMobRewarded => videoStarted'),
  AdMobRewarded.addEventListener('adClosed', () => {
    console.log('AdMobRewarded => adClosed');
    AdMobRewarded.requestAd().catch(error => console.warn(error));
  AdMobRewarded.addEventListener('adLeftApplication', () =>
    console.log('AdMobRewarded => adLeftApplication'),

  AdMobRewarded.requestAd().catch(error => console.warn(error));



componentWillUnmount() {

showRewarded() {
  AdMobRewarded.showAd().catch(error => console.warn(error));

How to change Upload Limit on CyberPanel? Increase or decrease Upload Size through CyberPanel?

How to create a staging or clone of the WordPress site from CyberPanel?

Sometime you may need to create a clone or staging site of your WordPress site to make changes and test them. CyberPanel allows to create staging or clone site easily.

In this article, I will tell you how you can create a staging or clone of your WordPress site from CyberPanel.

You can create a staging site from CyberPanel and after doing that you can merge it back to the Original or master site.

Always keep backup before doing anything. So if you lost anything you can restore. The process of creating a staging site is very easy to follow along to do so.

Create a Clone or create a Staging for your site:

Step 1: Log in to CyberPanel and Go to Manage Website

Create a clone or staging site in cyberpanel is very easy. I will write the steps below to do so.

The first thing to do is login to your cyberpaner using your credentials on port 8090.

Then go to the Websites->List Websites->Manage

 login to your cyberpaner using your credentials on port 8090

Step 2: Create a clone or Staging site

In the manage Dashboard, you can see the CLONE/STAGING button press that to process.

Create a clone or Staging site

Add the Domain name which you want to use as staging or clone.

Add the Domain name which you want to use as staging or clone

It will take some time and once staging is done it will show you this screen.

It will take some time and once staging is done it will show you this screen

Now you must have to set A records for the staging domain you create Like Visit your DNS manager and add A record for this staging site. No need to add any other records. A record is enough for staging.

In cyberpanel got to Websites->List Child Domains you can check the staging site.

Push back, Copy or sync site to Master:

Once you did all changes to staging and now you want to sync the staging back with the master site CyberPanel allows to do this very easy to do so follow steps:

Go to the Websites-> List Child Domains:

Now on this page, you can see your staging site press the Manage button in front of your site.

you can see your staging site press the Manage button in front of your site

Now you are in the management dashboard of the staging site. You can see COPY/SYNC TO MASTER from here you can push back your staging to the original.

You can see COPY/SYNC TO MASTER from here you can push back your staging to the original.

Here you can chose the options:

  1. Copy complete Data
  2. Sync Database
  3. Copy Changed Files
Copy complete Data

Chose any option from them according to your requirement. Once the process of sync or coping is done now go back to your original site and check the changes if you have any cache plugin clear cache and then check the changes.

How to set up Google Drive Backup on CyberPanel?

How to create a New User in CyberPanel?

CyberPanel is next generation hosting control panel. CyberPanel is powered by LiteSpeed Technologies.

In CyberPanel you can create new users easily and allow them access so they can manage their website settings there.

CyberPanel allow three types of user access ADMIN, USER, and RESALLER. You can easily create new account of any type according to the requirement of user.

How to create a new user account in CyberPanel:

The process of creating user, admin and reseller account is same i will tell you where the difference is during creation steps.

Login to your cyberpanel using port 8090.

Step 1:

In left menu go to Users-> CREATE NEW USER or navigate to this URL

Login to your cyberpanel using port 8090

Step 2:

Now Provide the information that need to create new user:

  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Email
  4. Select ACL ( admin, reseller, user)
  5. Websites Limit (Put 0 for unlimited)
  6. Username
  7. Password (Press Generate for strong)
  8. Security Level (High or Low)
Now Provide the information that need to create new user:

Here in Select ACL you can create the admin, user or reseller permissions. Admin has access for every thing, reseller has less access then admin and at last user has some specific access.

Step 3:

After providing these required information press create a user and user is created successfully now you can see your user by navigating to USERS->LIST USERS. Or visit this URL

https://<your ip>:8090/users/listUsers
you can see your user by navigating to USERS->LIST USERS. Or visit this URL

How to create a staging or clone of the WordPress site from CyberPanel?

How to Transfer the whole Website From one CyberPanel to Other CyberPanel using a backup method?

If you want to transfer your web site from one cyberpanel to any other cyberpanel without losing any data, you are on right place follow this article step by step.

If you are thinking to transfer your site from any other CyberPanel. Maybe you Changed your server. In this article, I will tell you how you can transfer your site from one Cyberpanel to another Cyberpanel. I will use the backup method to transfer the whole website from one CyberPanel to the second Cyberpanel.

Table of Contents:

  1. Create a Backup
  2. Set Permissions or Move Public_html
  3. Download to local Computer or Download on a remote server
  4. Move to the backup folder
  5. Restore Backup
  6. Check through the Host file.

Create a Backup:

To tranfer your website from CyberPanel to CyberPanel this methode is one of the simple and easy method. Follow along with me to setup:

  1. Login to your CyberPanel through your cyberpanel link like https://<your-ip>:8090: Provide credentials and press login.
Login to your CyberPanel

2. Now in the left menu bar Go to the Backup->Create Backup section. You can also navigate to this link. https://<your-ip>:8090/backup/backupSite

Now in the left menu bar Go to the Backup->Create Backup section.

Click on create back up button here.

3. Now cyberPanle asks you to select a site and the destination where the backup will store. The site for which you want to create a backup. Select your website, and leave the path as empty. And press Create back up button to start the backup creation process.

The site for which you want to create a backup

4. Now you can see the process of backup creation is running and in process.

 Now you can see the process of backup creation is running and in process.

wait until it will give you the massage Done. After creation you can see the massage of completed and can see a backup with its id on screen.

After creation you can see the massage of completed and can see a backup with its id on screen.

Done for backup process go to next step.

Set Permissions or Move Public_html:

If you are going to download files from cyber panel to a local computer then skip this step. Now in this step, you need to login to your SSH terminal. Using any software like putty or Bitvise. For this article, I am going to use Bitvise.

  1. Login to Bitvise SSH you must have credentials:
    1. Your server IP
    2. Username (root)
    3. Port number (22)
    4. Password
Login to Bitvise SSH you must have credentials

After providing all details press the Login button. Now open STFP to check and confirm the backup.

open STFP to check and confirm the backup

2. Now go to this path in sfpt

go to this path in sfpt

Here you can use two method one is to change permissions and download this file directly from this path on the remote server and other is move it into the public_html and then download. Second one is recommended.

Change Permission:

Click on the file and the go to Properties->Permissions :

Click on the file and the go to Properties->Permissions

Change the permission to 777 as shown in picture. And press OK

Move to Public_html:

Type this command:

cp /home/ home/

Go and check the file.

Download to local Computer or Download on a remote server:

Now its time to download the file to the local pc or on another server in order to restore the backup. Make sure that the cyber panel is installed on this server.

Download to local computer and then upload:

This way is time taking way but if you dont have credentials fo SSH then go for this.

Go to the Websites->List website

Websites->List website

Press Manage button on the right side of website

Press Manage button on the right side of website

Press Manage button on the right side of website

Press Manage button on the right side of website

Go to the backup folder and Click the file and then click download you can see the file while downloading

click download you can see the file while downloading

Download Remotely using command:

Login to your SSH terminal and type this command if backupfile is in public_html folder:


If backup files are in back folder then type:


Move to backup folder:

Now in order to restore Backup, you have to create a directory backup at home. use these commands to create a backup directory

cd /home
mkdir backup

Restore Backup:

Now its ite to restore backup for this log in to the new cyberpane.

  1. Go to the Backup->Restore backup:
Backup->Restore backup

Select the backup file that you placed inside the backup folder

2. Click start backup I will take some time to restore wait until backup is completed.

 I will take some time to restore wait until backup is completed.

Check through Host file:

At last step confirm that the backup is restored properly foe this open host file from your local computer.

  1. Write Notepad in search bar of window.
Write Notepad in search bar of window.

Open Notepad as administrator

Open Notepad as administrator

Now open the file host place in

Now open the file host place in

Write your new ip and then press TAB then write your site

 press TAB then write your site

Go to your browser and visit your site is working or not.

How to set up Google Drive Backup on CyberPanel?

How to Setup Catch-All Email Account in Postfix?

Do you want to catch-all emails in postfix? Does missing emails due to misspelling addresses bothered you? Then this article is for you.

A catch-all email account is used to get all emails sent from every email account of your domain. No matter that email account exists or someone misspelled that email. Catch-all is usually used when you do not want to lose any email due to the wrong email address or email that did not exist.

Here we discuss all steps that are needed to set up a catch-all email account in Postfix.

Follow along so you can easily setup and never miss any Email.

Create Catch All Account:

The first step is to create a catch-all account where you will receive all emails. Which are lost due to misspelling or non existing email?

To do so you have to add a virtual alias to the Postfix server. The path of file where you have to add the alias is /etc/postfix/virtual.

You have to edit this file in your favorite Editor I chose vi editor. Use this command to edit the file.

vi /etc/postfix/virtual
Setup Catch-All Email Account in Postfix

Now add the address for catch-all at the end of this file. Add the address like: username

You can also specify any email account where you want to catch-all emails. You can specify different email account for this operation also. like:

If you didn’t specify the valid account then your valid account’s email will also go to that specific email you specify for catch-all. This account helps to Catch-all email that you miss due to non existing account or misspelled email addresses.

After adding these Alias to /etc/postfix/virtual save and exit.

After this we have to run a command to execute this file again.

postmap /etc/postfix/virtual

Now your updated file is loaded shift to next step.

Setup Postfix Configuration:

After editing the virtual file now its time to do some configurations in the postfix configuration file. In order to do this go to the file etc/postfix/ Edit this file in vi or any other editor you like. for vi use this command:

vi /etc/postfix/

you have to add virtual_alias_maps in this file add this line at the end of this file:

virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual

Reload Postfix for new settings:

Now Postfix needs to reload so it can fetch the new settings. To reload postfix run the command:

systemctl reload postfix
systemctl reload postfix

Now all done good to go.

How to Setup Two Factor Authentication in CyberPanel?