Upgrade CyberPanel to any specific branch

Upgrade CyberPanel to any specific branch

Sometimes for some special patches and bug fixes, you need to upgrade Cyberpanel to any specific branch. Like you got any issue in the stable branch and the team announced that the issue is fixed in another CyberPanel branch then you have to move on that.

In this article, I will tell you the few commands to upgrade CyberPanel to any specific branch.

Upgrade CyberPanel to any specific branch

Step 1: Remove old script:

First, you have to remove the old script file to get new and upgrade. Use the command given below to do this.

rm -rf cyberpanel_upgrade.sh 

Step 2: Download specific branch script:

Now in the next step, you have to download the script for new branch you want to install using the command stated below.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/usmannasir/cyberpanel/v<branch>/cyberpanel_upgrade.sh 

remove <branch> to your required branch name

Step 3: Give execute Permissions :

using the command stated below gives the upgrade command execution permissions.

chmod +x cyberpanel_upgrade.sh 

do all this in / or root directory and you must log in as root.

Step 4: Run upgrade script:

Now in the last step just run this command and wait when the system asks for the version give the branch version like “2.0.1-dev”


NOTE: Giving version is a must process and always give that

Here you can read How to log in to the Rainloop admin dashboard?

Read More: How to Change Upload limit On CyberPanel?

How to Change Upload limit On CyberPanel?

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How to add ZeroSSL on your site? Free SSL for your website

How to add ZeroSSL on your site? Free SSL for your website

You always need a secure URL for your website. Secure means your website will be accessible with SSL(Secure Sockets Layer). It’s very important to access your site on HTTPS instant of HTTP. Today I will tell you how you can add ZeroSSL to your website. ZeroSSL is totally free for your website.

ZeroSSL allows the free start of three domains. You can add free-of-cost SSL to your first three sites after those you have to buy if you want to issue SSL for more sites.

Create ZeroSSL account:

In first step you have to create an account on ZeroSSL website. For this go Here.

Here on this page you can see the Get Free SSL button click on that and visit to registration button.

On this page you have to provide some information to signup.

  1. Subscription Plan
  2. Email Account
  3. Password

After providing these all press to the Next Step button.

Once you press this button you can see the ZeroSSL dashboard.

Create New SSL Certificate:

Here on Dashboard you can see New Certificate button press this button present in the above image.

On the next page you have to provide following information:

  1. Enter Domain (Enter your domain name for which you want to issue SSL)

You will see this Green ticks for a valid domain name.

2. Validity (For how many time this ssl is valid )

Usually for 90 days its free and if you want for 1 year you have to buy.

3. CSR & Contact

Finalize Your Order (you have to select )

You have limit to issue three free ssl to your domain. Once the process of plan selection done now you have to verify your domain.

Verification Method:

ZeroSSL allow three types of verification:

  1. Email Verification
  3. File Upload

You can chose any one you are comfortable with. If you have this email then use it, or update DNS records according to the second or upload the file to dns.

Verification Method:
Verification Method:

After this you will get a option to download SSL. you can download crteficate.

download SSL
download SSL

Add ZeroSSL to your Website?

When you got your SSL file there must be three files after extracting. ca_budle, certificate, private key

Add these files values according to the require mint on your site.

Read More: How to Change Upload limit On CyberPanel?

How to Change Upload limit On CyberPanel?

How to Change Upload limit On CyberPanel?

if you want to upload a file from the file manager on CyberPanel and the size of the file is large according to the upload limit. Then you need to change (Mostly increase) the default setting. In this article, we show how to change the upload limit on cyberpanel step by step.

Login to your CyberPanel as using the link:

  • Go to PHP → Eidt PHP Configs → Basic, and select the version of PHP on which you want to change upload limit.
Change Upload limit of PhpMyAdmin
  • Set the limit in upload_max_filesize according to your choice and then click on Save Changes
Change Upload limit On CyberPanel

After doing that also press the Restart PHP button this thing will apply all changes on server level and you can now good to go wit it.

You can also read about child domain and more in the next article.

Read more: How to create, delete and manage Child Domains in CyberPanel?

May be you are new and also want to know How to create a Database in CyberPanel?

How to fix Fix WordPress 404 permalink OpenLiteSpeed- 404 error on OpenLiteSpeed

If you host your WordPress websites with OpenLiteSpeed you may get a 404 error on the permalink of your website. here in this article, I will explain how you can fix ix WordPress 404 permalink OpenLiteSpeed.

OpenLiteSpeed is the free version of LiteSpeed Enterprise and this free version is not as stable as the paid version. Not OpenLiteSpeed WordPress permalink often gives 404 error. When you move site from one server to another or made any change this error comes up. Here i will discuss few methods to solve this issue.

Methods to fix WordPress 404 permalink OpenLiteSpeed:

Method 1 Fix Permissions:

If you are using CyberPanel and you did any change of website after that 404 error come to the site you can fix it by doing few thing.

  1. Fix permissions from the file manager
  2. Restart OLS

Fix Permissions from the file manager:

To fix permission you have to log in to your cyber panel then go to the Websites-> List website select the domain for which you have to fix the issue then press the Manage button present in front of the website.

Manage Website
Manage Website

On the Website Dashboard you can see File Manager press to access the file manager.

File Manager
File Manager

In file manager click Fix Permission button and you can see the success massage in green color.

Fix Permission
Fix Permission

After doing all now its time to restart OLS.

Restart OpenLiteSpeed:

To restart OLS from CyberPanel you have to go on Server Status ->LiteSpeed Status and then you see two-button shutdown and reboot. Press the Reboot button and you can see a success message.

Restart OpenLiteSpeed:
Restart OpenLiteSpeed:

Method 2 htaccess:

An other reason is the missing rules in htaccess for WordPress. To check htaccess rules. Go to the Public_html folder of the website. If you have CyberPanel go to the Website->List Websites then press Manage button.

Then go to the file manager from the Website Dashboard.

File Manager

In file manager open and open .htaccess file and see if there is rules or if the file is empty.

If file is empty add these rule and press save.

# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

and after doing this restart OLS as mentioned above.

Read more: How to create, delete and manage Child Domains in CyberPanel?

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How to Upgrade CyberPanel to the latest version?

If you want you upgrade your Cyberpanel to latest version then you are at right place.

Here we tell you how to upgrade CyberPanel to the latest version. this is pretty easy to upgrade CyberPanel. You can get the latest Upgraded CyberPanel through just one command.

Upgrade CyberPanel To latest version:

Here the command to upgrade the cyber panel to the latest version.

sh <(curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/usmannasir/cyberpanel/stable/preUpgrade.sh || wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/usmannasir/cyberpanel/stable/preUpgrade.sh)

But if you do not want the latest released version. You want to install any other specific version then use another command which allows you to update the cyber panel to a specific version.

https://raw.githubusercontent.com/usmannasir/cyberpanel/<branch name>/cyberpanel_upgrade.sh

<branch name> is the name of the branch you want to install like 2.0.1

From the first command, you can also upgrade the Cyberpanel to a specific version for this you have to take care of a thing, and what id that?

sh <(curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/usmannasir/cyberpanel/stable/preUpgrade.sh || wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/usmannasir/cyberpanel/stable/preUpgrade.sh)

When you run this command and at a point, they ask for a version you can give the version like 2.0.2 or any you want. And if you want to upgrade to the version which is not released yet get and find the version from the CyberPanel team and provide the version when this command asks for version.

Cyberpenel developers are very fast and good at updating. And introducing new features for CyberPanel users. I think they are always in a hurry to launch a new version. And trust me, they always introduce the best in the new version CyberPanel. That’s why I like them. But I don’t think auto-upgrade is possible for CyberPanel. You will need to update when they release the new version. Here I will give you a very easy way to upgrade the cyber panel. Believe me, it has only one command.

How to install OpenLiteSpeed on Centos?