How to Create a Website and install WordPress on CyberPanel one-click installation?

In this article, I am going to tell you how to install WordPress on CyberPanel. This article is about the one-click installation of WordPress on CyberPanel.

I will briefly describe how to create a website on CyberPanel. And then we will go toward the installation of WordPress on CyberPanel. The main theme is how you can create a website and install WordPress on CyberPanel.

if you are new on CyberPanel and want to know the basic Information and usage of CyberPanel then do not leave the article i will explain some basic at the end of article.

How to create a new Website on CyberPanel?

Creating a website on CyberPanel is very simple and easy. Here the all steps to create a Website on CyberPanel are listed.

Go to the Websites-> Create Website Option in CyberPanel Menu:

Can navigate to this ULR to Create new web site:

 Websites-> Create Website Option in CyberPanel Menu

Provide the following details here

  • Select Package (Default )
  • Select Owner (Admin or any other)
  • Domain name ( without www)
  • Email (Your email address (
  • Select PHP (Latest is recommended )
  • SSL (Always check)
  • DKIM (Always check)
  • Open Basedir Protection (Check )
  • Create Mail Domain (Check if you want to you on same server)
Select Package
Select Owner
Domain name
Select PHP
Open Basedir Protection
Create Mail Domain

After providing all information press Create Website Button. It will take sometime to complete and will show the confirmation massage once its Done.

How to install WordPress on your domain from CyberPanel?

When creation of your website on cyberpanel is done. Time to install WordPress on that site using CyberPanel. Just Follow these steps and do it quickly.

  1. Go to the Websites-> list websites

Can follow this URL to list all websites

How to install WordPress on your domain from CyberPanel?

2. Click the Manage button to navigate to the manage website dashboard

Navigate to this URL to list all websites

Manage button to navigate to the manage website dashboard

3. On the management dashboard to the last section there you found WordPress click on that.

You can also get access the dashboard through this Url

management dashboard to the last section

4. Once you click this button now you can see a screen asking for the WordPress details.

  • Blog Title (Your site Title)
  • Login User (Username)
  • Login Password (Password)
  • Email (your email address)
  • Path (Leave empty )

you can visit this URL to install WordPress.

WordPress details

Just Provide the information and click Install Now. It take some time and your site is there. you can check by visiting your site.

How to create an AdMob account?

How to migrate WordPress Site using Migrate Guru Step by Step guide

Do you want to transfer your site from Local to live server? Do you want to create a clone of your site? Do you want to migrate your site from one server to another server? the question is How to transfer your website to another host?

So you are in the right place. In this article, I am going to tell you how to migrate the WordPress site using migrate Guru.

This guide helps you to migrate WordPress site using migrate guru from local to live, from one live server to another live server, from one domain to any other domain and all.

But first of all, I am going to add some information about the Migrate Guru plugin. So before going deep you have some knowledge about the migrate guru plugin.

Top features of Migrate Guru:

  • 1 click migration
  • Migrate large site
  • No addons
  • No space required for migration
  • Compatible with almost every host
  • Fully Automatic
  • Timely alters
1 click migration:

Migrate Guru made the WordPress migration on click migration. You just need to enter the details of remote server (host) and click to processed.

Migrate large site:

Migrate Guru allows you to migrate large sites even the large as 200 GB. There is no limit for transfer. Large site migrations usually fail because of live-site server import limits.

No addons:

You don’t need any add-ons to move multi-sites. You know that sometimes we need add-ons to migrate multi sites from one place to another.

No space required for migration:

As the migration process of the wordpress site is done on there server so no extra space need for the migration process.

After the migration is complete, the copy is erased.

Compatible with almost every host:

Migrate guru plugin is compatible with a large amount of web hosts. you can see them when you are going to perform migration. Like FTP, BLUEHOST, GoDaddy, A2 hosting, etc.

Fully Automatic:

The process of migration is fully automatic and you didn’t need to perform any task manfully. Migrate Guru will take care of each and every thing.

Timely alters:

The main thing that i like about them is timely alerts. They alert instantly when the process began and inform immediately when the process complete.

Step-by-Step Guide to Migrate Your WordPress Site to a New Host

Follow these steps:

  1. Install Migrate Guru
  2. Setup site where need to move
  3. Move Site using Migrate Guru

Install Migrate Guru:

To install migrate guru Go to the Plugins-> add new

Plugins Option in Dashboard

Type migrate guru into the search bar and install this one.

install migrate guru

Activate migrate guru by pressing the activate button.

Activate migrate guru

Your migrate guru is installed and activated you can see the Migrate Guru in the menu.

migrate guru view

Video link

Setup WordPress site where need to move:

Migrate Guru migrate WordPress site from one server to another. For this process, we need to create the WordPress site on the other server to make the migration possible.

Simply Go to the control panel or the environment that you are using to create a new website there and then install the WordPress on that website.

You need to create a just simple WordPress site.

For FTP transfer:

For the transfer through FTP create an FTP account also on your host provider. different host provider has different methods to create FTP account.

Move Site using Migrate Guru

Noe the phase to transfer the site from one place to another started. Follow these steps to migrate the site.

Step1: Start Migrate Guru:

Click the migrate guru from the menu and provide details write your email, check the agreement and press the migrate button.

Run migrate guru
Setp2: Select your Server:

Now select your host from here to transfer site. I selected FTP to show you how to transfer through FTP. You can go with others.

migrate guru FTP

Step3: Provide detials to tranfere:

Provide all the required details for the transfer. The following details and press migrate

  • your domain
  • your host IP
  • FTP user name
  • FTP account password
  • Path as(public_html)
Information for migration

After this, you can click the migrate and go to the migrate WordPress site using migrate guru. You can see the screen that show the process of migration.

migrate guru status

At the beginning and end of the migration. Migrate Guru will send you email there are very good in timely updating.

Migrate Guru is a free Plugin powered by BlogVault. Migrate Guru plugin helps you to migrate your site from one place to any other with out risk of losing any thing.

You can migrate even a large site in a short time using this plugin. Migrate guru makes the migration 1 click process. You have nothing to do manually migrate guru will do everything automatically.

How to Create a Website and install WordPress on CyberPanel one-click installation?

How to Install Node Js on Windows?

You want to Install node js on windows 10 machine?

To start the guide to install node js on your windows 10 machine. First of all, we have to know what actually node js is. Before knowing how to install node js on your windows 10 know about the node js.

Basic node js is a JavaScript runtime environment. It simply means that the node js run-time environment includes everything you need to execute a program written in JavaScript. Now I would like to mention some points about node js for better understanding.

What is node js?

  1. Node js is free and opensource environment.
  2. Node js uses javascript on the server.
  3. Node js can generate dynamic pages, can do many operation on databases and its is available for different platforms (Operating Systems).

How to Install Node js on windows 10?

In order to install node js to your windows 10 machine. You need to follow different steps.

Download Node.js

In order to install node js on your windows 10, you have to download the Node js. To do so click here or visit this link in your favorite browser. Here you can see this screen.

Download Node.js

You can see the latest and current version always chose the current version from them because that is the stable one then chose the windows installer from the operating systems. you can also download:

Windows Installer (.msi)
Windows Binary (.zip)
Source Code

In 32 and 64 bits depending on your operating system.

Install Node js on windows 10:

Once your download completed now its time to install it on your machine to do so follow these steps:

  1. Click on the download file and then click install.
Install Node

2. You will receive a screen that asks you to run Wizard to install node js. Press Next.

Run Install Node

3. Now accept the License Agreement. To go to the next step.

Agreement Install Node

4. You can specify the location in your computer where you want to install the node js. By default its C:/Program Files/nodejs/ and leave as its and click Next.

Path Install Node

5. In this step you can see which node js packages you are going to install and what is disk usage, and all. Click Next to proceed.

Install Node next

6. In this step you can allow node js to Automatically install the necessary tools. you can follow the instruction from the link given on-screen. Then press Next.

Auto Install Node

7. All setup is done Press Install to install node js on your windows 10.

Install Node

Allow the installation and this installation may take some time to complete wait until the status bar show completion.

Install Node js status

8. All done now your node js is installed and you can press Finish and go ahead.

Install done Node

Verification of node js installation

Once the installation process has done you need to verify the installation of your node js on windows 10. to do so just run a simple command:

npm -v
Node js version

You can see the installed version it’s mean your installation is complete. Now your system is good to go.

How to migrate WordPress Site using Migrate Guru Step by Step guide

How to install OpenLiteSpeed on Centos?

Do you know how to install OpenLiteSpeed on Centos?

First of all, I would like to tell you that what is OpenLiteSpeed? I know most of you know that what is OpenLiteSpeed but it’s my habit to discuss things before going to deep. So OpenLiteSpeed is the Open Source edition of LiteSpeed Web Server Enterprise.

In this article, we will discuss step by step how to install OpenLiteSpeed on Centos.

How To Install OpenLiteSpeed:

First of all, you need to add the LiteSpeed repository to your centos. You can do it by using the following command.

rpm -ivh

Once you added the repository now you can install the OpenLiteSpeed on your server easily. To do so you have to run the command:

yum install openlitespeed

Now what? if you want to install any specific version of OpenLiteSpeed. In that case you can use this command:

yum install openlitespeed-x.x.x

Replace the x value with your required version. Like 1.6.5 or something. You can access the web server on:


Setup Administrator Password:

Now your LiteSpeed web server is installed. You have to set a password for the OpenLiteSpeed web server in order to access it. You can set the password by using this command:


Use sudo if you don’t have root rights. you can also use this to change the OpenLiteSpeed web server password. When you run this command this will ask you User name [admin]: put admin here

OpenLiteSpeed web server password

And after that, it will ask for a password add a password and confirm that.

change OpenLiteSpeed web server password

Now your web server is go to go.

Some common commands for OpenLiteSpeed:

Here some common commands that you must need to know about the OpenLiteSpeed.

  1. To check the status of OpenLiteSpeed you can use this command.
Systemctl status lsws 

2. To stop the OpenLiteSpeed service use this command.

Systemctl stop lsws 

3. To start the OpenLiteSpeed service use this command

Systemctl start lsws 

4. To restart the OpenLiteSpeed service use this command

Systemctl restart lsws 

Directories and Logs for OpenLiteSpeed:

Now I think it’s very important to tell you about directories and logs of OpenLiteSpeed. Maybe you want to do some testing on it. Joke apart never try to do tests on anything you have not enough knowledge.

The default OpenLiteSpeed installation directory is: /usr/local/lsws

You can also start OLS using this command:

/usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl start

You can also stop OLS using this command:

/usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl stop

If you faced any error on OLS and want to find what is that then you can check the error log in /usr/local/lsws/logs/error.log.

Some more information about OpenLiteSpeed:

Well, the free version of LiteSpeed web servers. Although both OpenLiteSpeed and LiteSpeed ENT. are developed by the same developers. But there must be some difference between them. You can imagine a price thing and a paid thing must be different from each other.

OpenLiteSpeed has almost all the features that LiteSpeed Ent have. But there must be some difference. The main difference is OpenLiteSpeed requires a restart to load any new .htaccess file. While LiteSpeed Ent does this Automatically.

How to Install a WordPress Plugin?

How to Install CyberPanel On Centos?

How to install CyberPanel? I know everyone who came on this article will know that what is CyberPanel and want to know how to install CyberPanel. Some of you have basic knowledge and some are experts hehe.

But If you are totally new here then let me tell you that CyberPanel is a control panel. Basically, CyberPanel is a hosting control panel like the other popular one c-panel.

How to Install CyberPanel On Centos?

Introduction of CyberPanel:

CyberPanel is a free and open-source next-generation hosting control panel. CyberPanel is Powered by LiteSpeed technologies. And mostly used by the LiteSpeed web servers. Basically CyberPanel is free but here is the twist. CyberPanel has two versions CyberPanel and CyberPanel Enterprise. There is not a huge difference between the CyberPanel and Cyber Panel Ent. CyberPanel Ent comes with LiteSpeed Ent so that makes the difference. See here what the official website of Cyberpanel said about CyberPanel ent.

Here in this article, I am going to tell you how to install CyberPanel on Centos. I will discuss about the installation on other Operating systems and flavors of Linux but in this, I will stay with Centos.

Requirements for installation (Hardware and General requirements ):

CyberPanel requirements for installation are not so high and complicated. We discuss the main here:

  1. A server or machine with Centos
  2. Minimum 1 GB Ram
  3. SHH access with root
  4. 10GB Disk Space.

How to install CyberPanel?

CyberPanel Installation is very easy and its just one command installation. When you search for how to install cyberpanel you will foun a bunch of commands and different steps. But i perfer only one command to install CyberPanel and that command is:

sh <(curl || wget -O -    

This will do have for you now you have to take care of some processes while installing CyberPanel. These are

Install Specific Version Of CyberPanel:

Now sometimes you have to install a specific version of CyberPanel. This is a bit tricky. First of all, you have to wget (download) the specific branch of CyberPanel you want to install using this command:


Now you have to assign it executable Permissions. Using this command:

chmod +x

Now execute for installation:


How to Upgrade CyberPanel to the latest version?

How to Change Upload limit On CyberPanel?