How To Uninstall Or Stop ImunifyAV?

What is ImunifyAV?

A lot of users install ImunifyAV but after some issue, if they want to uninstall they do not know how to do this. Here in this article, we will tell you How To Uninstall Or Stop ImunifyAV?

ImunifyAV – an intelligent antivirus and security monitoring tool for websites with one-click automatic malware cleanup, domain reputation monitoring, and blacklist status check. Read more about ImunifyAV

A lot of users install ImunifyAV but after some issue, if they want to uninstall they do not know how to do this. Here in this article, we will tell you How To Uninstall Or Stop ImunifyAV?

In this artical we provide the way where you can able to uninstall or Stop ImunifyAV.

Uninstall ImunifyAV:

To uninstall ImunifyAV, you need to first download the script with the following command:


Then run this command to uninstall ImunifyAV from the server:

bash --uninstall

Processing the above two steps you are able to uninstall imaunifyAY.

Stop ImaunifyAY:

ImunifyAV runs as a daemon so the service can be managed using the standard service management commands.

For CentOS/CloudLinux OS 6, run the following command:

service imunify-antivirus stop

For all other operating systems, run the following command:

systemctl stop imunify-antivirus

How to Change Upload limit On CyberPanel?

How to solve the can’t upload the file on file manager issue in CyberPanel?

if you are uploading a file on file manager in CyberPanel. and getting some error there. Follow this short solution for can’t upload the file on CyberPanel file manager.


There is very easy and short solution for this issue. Access your root through Bitvise or putty open your terminal(CLI) and run this Command

Systemctl restart lscpd

This simple command will restart all of your CyberPanel services and now if you can try you can easily upload any file but there may be upload limit issue if so you can follow this tutorial to solve that Link below.

How to Change Upload limit On CyberPanel?

How to Change Upload limit On CyberPanel?

if you want to upload a file from the file manager on CyberPanel and the size of the file is large according to the upload limit. Then you need to change (Mostly increase) the default setting. In this article, we show how to change the upload limit on cyberpanel step by step.

Login to your CyberPanel as using the link:

  • Go to PHP → Eidt PHP Configs → Basic, and select the version of PHP on which you want to change upload limit.
Change Upload limit of PhpMyAdmin
  • Set the limit in upload_max_filesize according to your choice and then click on Save Changes
Change Upload limit On CyberPanel

After doing that also press the Restart PHP button this thing will apply all changes on server level and you can now good to go wit it.

You can also read about child domain and more in the next article.

Read more: How to create, delete and manage Child Domains in CyberPanel?

May be you are new and also want to know How to create a Database in CyberPanel?

How to remove MailScanner from Cyberpanel?

How to remove MailScanner from Cyberpanel?

Maybe you have installed MailScanner on your server from CyberPanel, And you want to remove it for some reason. In this article, we are going to show how to remove MailScanner from CyberPanel?.

What is MailScanner?

MailScanner is an open-source email security system. it designed for a Linux-based email gateway. The purpose of MailScanner is to scans email for viruses, spam, phishing, malware, and other attacks against security vulnerabilities.

Follow the procedure to remove MailScanner form CyberPanel:

1. Download MailScanner uninstaller script form GitHub

Frist you need to download uninstaller form GitHub . Run this command on CLI it will download MailScanner uninstaller

How to remove MailScanner from Cyberpanel?
Download MailScanner uninstaller script form GitHub

2. Set the execute permission

After download uninstaller you need to set execute permission to MailScanner uninstaller by running this command on CLI

chmod +x

3. Uninstall the MailScanner

Once you downloaded MailScanner uninstaller and set the execute permissions then run the command to uninstall Mailscanner.


After this the Mail Scanner is successfully removed form CyberPanel.

Read more: How to create, delete and manage Child Domains in CyberPanel?

How to fix Fix WordPress 404 permalink OpenLiteSpeed- 404 error on OpenLiteSpeed

How to fix Fix WordPress 404 permalink OpenLiteSpeed- 404 error on OpenLiteSpeed

If you host your WordPress websites with OpenLiteSpeed you may get a 404 error on the permalink of your website. here in this article, I will explain how you can fix ix WordPress 404 permalink OpenLiteSpeed.

OpenLiteSpeed is the free version of LiteSpeed Enterprise and this free version is not as stable as the paid version. Not OpenLiteSpeed WordPress permalink often gives 404 error. When you move site from one server to another or made any change this error comes up. Here i will discuss few methods to solve this issue.

Methods to fix WordPress 404 permalink OpenLiteSpeed:

Method 1 Fix Permissions:

If you are using CyberPanel and you did any change of website after that 404 error come to the site you can fix it by doing few thing.

  1. Fix permissions from the file manager
  2. Restart OLS

Fix Permissions from the file manager:

To fix permission you have to log in to your cyber panel then go to the Websites-> List website select the domain for which you have to fix the issue then press the Manage button present in front of the website.

Manage Website
Manage Website

On the Website Dashboard you can see File Manager press to access the file manager.

File Manager
File Manager

In file manager click Fix Permission button and you can see the success massage in green color.

Fix Permission
Fix Permission

After doing all now its time to restart OLS.

Restart OpenLiteSpeed:

To restart OLS from CyberPanel you have to go on Server Status ->LiteSpeed Status and then you see two-button shutdown and reboot. Press the Reboot button and you can see a success message.

Restart OpenLiteSpeed:
Restart OpenLiteSpeed:

Method 2 htaccess:

An other reason is the missing rules in htaccess for WordPress. To check htaccess rules. Go to the Public_html folder of the website. If you have CyberPanel go to the Website->List Websites then press Manage button.

Then go to the file manager from the Website Dashboard.

File Manager

In file manager open and open .htaccess file and see if there is rules or if the file is empty.

If file is empty add these rule and press save.

# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

and after doing this restart OLS as mentioned above.

Read more: How to create, delete and manage Child Domains in CyberPanel?

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How to create a Database in CyberPanel?

If you want to create a Database in CyberPanel. And do not know how to do this you are on right place read this article to know how you can create a new DataBase on CyberPanel for your Website.

Table of Contents:

  1. Login to CyberPanel
  2. Create New Database
  3. Access Database

Login to CyberPanel:

First of all visi the CyberPanel login URL to login to your CyberPanel it must be with port 8090, Look like:


Provide username and password and login to your CyberPanel dashboard.

CyberPanel Login

Create New Database:

Once you logged in go to the Database->Create Database: in the left menu.

Create New Database
Create New Database

On this create database page you have to select the domain for which you want to create a new database.

select domain
select domain

Now screen ask you to provide the details for database.

  1. Username
  2. Database name
  3. Password
provide the details for database
Provide the Details for Database

When you press Create Database button this will create a new one for you on your server.

you can also list the database for any of your site on sever from Database-> List Database then select the domain and you can see the list.

list the database
list database

Access Database:

To access your database you created you have to go to Database-> PHPMYADMIN. Then press Access Now button.

You can see the PHPMyAdmin screen now. Where you can see all database for all domains. You can check the database your created and do any operation you want to do on this database.

Read more: How to create, delete and manage Child Domains in CyberPanel?

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Redis One-Click Install through CyberPanel

Redis One-Click Install through CyberPanel

Do you know now from CyberPanel version 2.0.3 you can install Redis on your server using one click? Here we will tell you one-click Redis install through CyberPanel.

Now CyberPanel made the install and use of Redis cache on your server very easy.

Redis is an open-source cache use to cache database, and use as a message broker. Nowadays it is very important to use cache and boost your website. CyberPanel helps you to do this.

One-Click Redis install Through CyberPanel:

Follow these steps to setup Redis on your server.

  1. Login to CyberPanel
  2. One-Click Redis Install
  3. Install Redis PHP extension
  4. Setup Redis on WordPress using LS Cache

Login to CyberPanel:

Login to your CyberPanel using the credentials. Follow the link with port 8090.


One-Click Redis Install:

To install Redis on your server you have to go to the Manage Services->Application -> Redis then you can see the install button there. Click that and your Redis installed.

Redis Install

Now your Redis is installed and you have to install PHP extension to run properly.

Install Redis PHP extension:

Now go to the PHP-> Install Extension Then you have to select PHP version for which you want to install Redis Extension. You can also follow this link.

PHP Extension

Now search redis on the search bar and you can see redis PHP extension press the Install button and everything is good to go.


Setup Redis on WordPress using LS Cache:

Now it’s time to setup Redis on your WordPress site. We will tell you here how you can setup Redis on your WordPress site without any extra plugin. Ls cache plugin will all do for you. Let’s begin how to do.

  1. Go to the LiteSpeed Cache -> Cache option in the left menu
  2. Then go to the Object
  3. Turn on object Cache and set method to Redis
  4. Change port to 6379 and press save
  5. You can check here if the Redis extension and connection test are passed then it’s good to go.

Read more: How to create, delete and manage Child Domains in CyberPanel?

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Reset or Change CyberPanel Admin Password

Reset or Change CyberPanel Admin Password

Do you know how to change CyberPanel Admin Password? Read this short article to check and know how to change or reset the admin password on CyberPanel.

Methods to Change or reset CyberPanel Password:

  1. Reset Cyberpanel Password using Command line.
  2. Change Password From CyberPanel

Reset CyberPanel Password using Command line

Mostly you use this method when you don’t have your CyberPnael Credentials are forgotten your CyberPanel password. And you have root SSH access to your system.

To change the Cyberpanel password from the command line you just need to run a simple command.

adminPass Your_New_Password

This command helps you to reset your password easily without having any CyberPanel access.

Reset CyberPanel Password using Command line
Reset CyberPanel Password using Command line

Change Password From CyberPanel:

If you have your CyberPanel admin account access and you want to change it you just need to follow these easy steps.

Login to your cyberpanel account using your credentials on port 8090.


Once you login into your account clicks on the arrow on the top of your cyber panel account.

CyberPanel Profile
CyberPanel Profile

Then click the Edit Profile button. You can see a screen that ask you to select the account for which you want to change the password of CyberPanel.

Edit Profile
Edit Profile

On this page, you can see you can change the password for your account and you can easily generate a password by clicking the generate password button.

Generating a password is a good move because CyberPanel auto-generate password will always generate a strong password.

Change CyberPanel Admin Password
Change CyberPanel Admin Password

Read more: How to create, delete and manage Child Domains in CyberPanel?

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How to add Subdomain in CyberPanel?

add subdomain

The process to add Child domain or subdomain in CyberPanel is very easy and short. Here i will tell you how to add subdomain in CyberPanel under any main domain or website.

How to Create Child Domain under main website?

To create child domain for a main or master domain you just need to go to.

Websites->List Websites->Manage

Manage of that website for which you want to create the subdomain.

Websites->List Websites->Manage
Websites->List Websites->Manage

And click the Manage button you can also follow this URL:

https://<YOUR IP>:8090/websites/

When you click the manage button you can see the website manager screen. This screen has a a lot of option. Like LOGS, DOMIANS, FILES, CONFIGRATIONS, ETC.

Got to the Domains part and click the Add Domains button.

Add Domains
Add Domains

When you click on this option you are asked to provide the details for the subdomain you want to add.

Details for the subdomain you want to add
Details for the subdomain you want to add

After providing the details like:

  1. Domain name
  2. Path (Leave it empty)
  3. Select PHP version
  4. In additional features (Select SSL, DKIM, Open_basedir Protection)

Click the Create Domain button and you will receive a success massage from the panel.

Create Domain
Create Domain

Once child domain is created from here. Now you can list child domain from two ways.

  1. Go to website-> List child Domain
website-> List child Domain
website-> List child Domain

2. From the Websites-> List Websites -> Manage-> List Domains

Websites-> List Websites -> Manage-> List Domains
Websites-> List Websites -> Manage-> List Domains

Read more about child domain: How to create, delete and manage Child Domains in CyberPanel?

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